Three Lil' Lewis Children

Three Lil' Lewis Children

Monday, February 1, 2010

Maddy's Prayer

My friend, Karen, reminded me about this story...

A couple months ago I had all three children in church with me by myself. The kids were doing pretty well. (As well as a 5, 4, and 2 year old can during a Catholic mass).

Maddy tugged at my arm and said, "Ya got some crayons?" I answered, "No." She tugged again, "Ya got some paper?" I answered, "No." Maddy tugged once more, "Well....what am I supposed to do here?" I answered her politely, "Maddy, why don't you do what everyone else in church is doing - pray?"

Maddy then whispers quietly to herself with eyes closed:

"Dear Lord, I'm extremely bored." ....and opens one eye to look at me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I too have offered up that prayer from time to time :)
