Three Lil' Lewis Children

Three Lil' Lewis Children

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

All Smiles

Background helpful to understanding this story: I recently got braces put on my top four teeth. It's the third time I have had braces and hopefully the last. I should only have them for six months if all goes well.

On to the story....The other day I was having a stern talk with Maddy. We were both standing in the foyer and I was trying to educate her on the importance of not leaving her glasses laying around on the concrete driveway. It really was a lecture about how expensive they are, how they can get broken, lost, damaged, etc.

The whole time that I was talking to her, Maddy was all smiles and just oddly staring at me. Frustrated, I said, "Maddy, are you listening to me? What are you looking at?"

She then replied, "Mom, you got all kinds of food in your braces!"


The other night I got out a placemat for Sawyer's place setting at the dinner table. He sat down at the table and said, "What's this?" Kerpatrick replied to him, "It's a placemat." Sawyer excitedly says, "Aw yeah! I don't have to use a plate anymore!?!?!?"


I love listening to a variety of music on the radio and the kids are fantastic about knowing the latest pop artists, etc. One day that song with Rhianna and Eminem came on the radio.

I could see Lizzy bee-bopping in the back to the song. She then comments after Eminem is done with his rap lyrics, "Whew! He sure had a lot to say! That other lady didn't have as much to say as him. He had a lot to say and fast!"

Babysitter Maddy

All three kids are really great about going into the childwatch area at the gyms that I work at. They like playing with the other kids, doing crafts, and playing with toys they don't have access to at home.

Last Saturday we took the kids into the gym like normal. Kerpatrick and I went to work out and when we returned to get the kids, the childwatch attendant had this to tell me....

Apparently there were two workers in childwatch that day, Jenny and Rebecca. Rebecca had to go to the bathroom so she yells out across the room to Jenny to let her know that she was leaving the room.

Maddy, age 7, who is in the middle of the room, intercepted Rebecca's message, nodded her head, gave Rebecca a wave, and said, "Okay! Go ahead! I'll watch the kids!"

Where Does a Cow Go?

While driving the other day, a huge truck carrying cows passed by us at the four way stop. Lizzy said, "Oooooo! Mommy, look! Cows!!!!" She then turned to me and said, "Where do you think they are taking all those cows?"

In that moment, I could only think about how answering her question truthfully would turn her into a vegan at age 5. Unlike Lizzy's quick-witted father, I was unable to provide an answer so I said, "Huh, I dunno."

Lizzy continued to ask me more and more questions about the cows. I just continued to say, "That's a good question.....I don't know.....hmmmm....."

You could tell that Lizzy was becoming frustrated with my evasiveness. She paused for a little and then said to me, "Mommy, I think I am going to ask daddy my questions. No offense, I know you are stronger than him, but he may be smarter."

Let Me Think

You know how kids are about their stuff. Sometimes they get territorial when others are playing with "their" toys. Well, we got in the car and Lizzy was playing with Sawyer's little Leap Frog Scribble and Write Pad. Sawyer immediately had a hissy fit and started yelling at her. I tried to mediate the situation and explained to Lizzy that she should ask Sawyer for permission if she wants to use his toys.

Lizzy politely and calmly said, "Sawyer, may I please use your scribble pad?"

Sawyer demeanor immediately changed. He stopped his tantrum, held up his hand to his face, tapped his chin with his index finger and said, "Hmmmmmmmm. Let me think......"

He then asked, "Are you wearing pink?" to which Lizzy replies, "Yes." and Sawyer then responds with, "Okay!"