Three Lil' Lewis Children

Three Lil' Lewis Children

Saturday, February 26, 2011

That Stinks

Of all three of my children, Lizzy is by far the most nurturing. She is obsessed with baby dolls and strollers. The other night she had a doll next to her in the chair at dinner time. She was talking to me, feeding herself, and then feeding her doll. It was like looking in a mirror and seeing a reflection of myself four years ago.

After dinner, I went down to my office to work on an order and I stubbed my toe. I let out a loud wail and Lizzy came running to me. Kerpatrick was trying to corral her up to bed, but she told him that she had to take care of mommy.

Lizzy sweetly came into my office to find me holding my foot. She said, "Let me kiss it, mommy. I'll make it feel better." She kissed my foot and politely smiled. She then turned around to head out the door where Kerpatrick was standing. She discretely tried to whisper to him, but I could hear her say, "Man, that stinks."

Kerpatrick added in, "Yeah. I wouldn't have kissed mommy's foot if I were you." Lizzy said again, "Wow, I mean, it's really smelly."

Friday, February 11, 2011

Poor Mommy

Today was one of those "challenging" days with my son. He must have told me a million times that I was "mean." For example, he asked for ice cream at lunch and I said, "Oh! I have a better idea! How about we wait until daddy comes home from work and we can go as a family?" Again, he told me how mean I was for not letting him have ice cream right then and there.

I decided to have a quiet ride home which meant that I was pretty much giving Sawyer the silent treatment. We got home and I took him out of the car, got him into his pjs, and put him down for a nap all without saying a word.

Sawyer finally asked why I wasn't talking to him and I said, "Why do you think mommy is not talking?" Sawyer replied, "....because I been mean to you today." I continued, "Do you think it hurts mommy's feelings when you are not nice to me?" Sawyer nodded his head "yes." Again, I asked another question, "Does that make you sad?"

Sawyer nodded his head again and replied, " makes me sad that daddy had to go to work today."



I have been going to physical therapy for my shoulder for the past couple of weeks. Inevitably, I either have one or two children with that I think about it, I have even had all three with me before.

Anyhow, yesterday I had both Lizzy and Sawyer with me. My physical therapist is really great. She is young, fun, and always trys to keep my kids entertained.

As I was performing some of my given exercises, I hear Lizzy say to my PT, "You know what Sawyer does with bugs?

PT: "No, what?"

Lizzy: "He squishes them."

PT: "What do you do when you see a bug?"

Sawyer chiming in: "She screams."

Lizzy's Words of Wisdom

This is the sisterly wisdom that I got to listen to last night as I was driving the kids home from swim lessons.

Lizzy talking to Sawyer:

"There are two things that I don't like. (Holding up two fingers) Bees and thunder. What is really scary is lightening. You know why lightening is so scary, Sawyer? I'll tell ya why. If you are in the pool and lightening hits you, it takes a picture of the inside of your body...just like an x-ray. True story."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Un-Lucky Charms

This evening we were eating our dessert - Lucky Charms cereal. Sugar cereals have become our "new dessert." The kids are not allowed to have it for breakfast, but they occasionally get it for a special dessert after dinner.

Lizzy complained, "Why don't I get that many charms???" I looked at her and said, "It's called Karma." "Huh?" she replied. I then reminded her of the time that I had a bowl of Lucky Charms out on the counter. I got distracted and walked away before pouring the milk. When I came back, every marshmallow charm had conveniently been picked out of the bowl. After reminding Lizzy of this story, she sheepishly smiled and Saint Saywer chimed in, "I tried to keep her away from your bowl, mommy."

Maddy was just a bystander in the kitchen listening to our exchange, but she gave Sawyer a look of disbelief and quietly mumbled, "Liar, liar, pants on fire....."

Thanks for the back up, Maddy.


Tonight is the third night in a row that KP has been in Arkansas. It wasn't his intention to stay tonight, but Arkansas got hit hard with snow and KP is trapped, unable to drive back to KC.

As I was getting off the phone with him this morning, Sawyer said to me, "Daddy's not coming home tonight?" I said, "No, buddy, he's not. He's stuck in the snow." Sawyer had a very sad face and then said, "Daddy's stuck in Africa." I was going to correct him and say, "Arkansas," but I didn't say anything.....same difference. Well, it has the same number of syllables anyway.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Although I know this is a very self-deprecating story, I still find it funny enough to share.

The other night I was in Sawyer's room when I...ya know...let one fly. I had been sitting on his floor cleaning up some scattered toys.

Sawyer wrinkled his nose at the turbulence I had just created. He also looked up at me with this very offended gaze. I sincerely apologized to him and he said, "That's okay, mommy."

He then walked over to his play toy Dirt Devil vacuum and said to me, "Here, I'll just clean up the floor where you pooped."

Smells Like Poop

On Saturday mornings the kids love to get in the bed with KP and I. This past Saturday, Sawyer was in the bed tackling his dad and playing around. All of the sudden, Sawyer got this look on his face like he smelled something bad and said, "Something smells like poop."

KP immediately said, "It's probably daddy. I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

I chimed in, "Well, maybe it's mommy. I haven't brushed my teeth yet either."

Sawyer looked back at KP and said, "Nope. It's him."


On Monday nights, both Lizzy and Maddy have activities. Maddy has dance and Lizzy has gymnastics. I drop Maddy off at 530pm, drive .5 miles to drop Lizzy off at 6pm, go back to pick up Maddy by 630pm, and then again to get Lizzy by 7pm.

Last night, in between our Monday night routine, I decided to check my emails on my phone. I was parked in a parking spot, but was about to drive enroute to get Maddy. Sawyer says to me, "Hello??? Why aren't we moving? Mommy? Are you asleep up there?"