Three Lil' Lewis Children

Three Lil' Lewis Children

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Like Mother (or Father)...Like Daughter

We were driving in the car today and I looked back to find that Maddy's hands were in this akward position.

I inquired, "Maddy, what are you doin' just sittin' there with your hands like that?"

Maddy looked down, looked up, and responded, "I'm gettin' ready to ride a horse." It was really quick witted and quite hilarious since that's exactly what she looked like.

I then said in a questioning manner, "Seriously, Maddy, how did you get to be so funny?" She then shrugs her shoulders and says to me, "You're blamin' me for that?????"

Sawyer Trump

Yesterday Sawyer wanted to me to give him his pacifier. I was busy so I told him that he would have to get it on his own if he wanted it right then.

He immediately ran to his sisters and started bugging them to get his pacifier for him. Maddy replied, "You remember what the doctor said? The doctor said that you are responsible for your pacifier. Only you can get it."

Sawyer then turned to Lizzy to see if she would help and she also declined.

There was this big pause and then I heard from the other room, "You're fired! Both of you. You're both fired!!!!!"

New Adventures

I have been trying to get the kids excited about our long three day trip to Kansas City. Today I said, "You guys, we get to go on an adventure!!!!"

Maddy excitedly replied, "An adventure?!?!? What kind of adventure?"

In the most animated voice I said, "We are going to be driving across our great nation for three days. We will be staying in hotels - with pools! We will get to Kansas City and live in a hotel for a week!!!"

Maddy made this very unconvinced face and then said, "That's not an adventure." I replied, "Sure it is!" She then corrected me saying, "No. An adventure is going through the jungles of South Africa.....climbing to the top of Mt. Everest. Seeing the Man in the Mountain (New Hampshire). Those are adventures."

I quickly resigned realizing that my six year old was smarter than me and said, "Okay, then, you ready for our trip?"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Old Hair

For my birthday, my dear friend, Jessica not only paid for me to get my hair colored, cut, and styled, but she also babysat all three of my children. It was the most lavish gift anyone has ever given me and it was, by far, the best present ever.
My stylist told me to not wash my hair for several days so that 1) I could take advantage of my newly styled hair and 2) I wouldn't dry out my hair. The girls were so delighted with my new hairdo. The moment I walked in the house, the girls were commenting about how nice it looked. Anyhoo, I wore my hair straight for about three days until I gave up and had to wash it.
The next morning I walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. Maddy looked at me from across the bar area and then said, "Oh...hmmm. You have your old hair."