Three Lil' Lewis Children

Three Lil' Lewis Children

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Things I never thought I would hear on Thanksgiving:

Lizzy to Kerpatrick while carving the turkey: "Daddy, where's the turkey's butt?"
Kerpatrick: "Uh.......The workers don't put that in there....."
Lizzy: "Then, where's the turkey's penis?"

Cricket. Cricket. Cricket.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Let's Just Talk

The other night I had a parent/teacher conference with Sawyer's preschool teacher. She talked to me about how they had tested the kids on their colors, numbers, letters, etc. Sawyer had done very well in all areas except for identifying his alphabet.

He knows how to say his alphabet, but when you point to a letter, he can't tell you which one it is. He just guesses.

Anyhoo, the teacher sat across from Sawyer to test him on his letters. She would point to a letter and he would say the wrong answer. After this happened a couple of times, Sawyer paused, looked at his teacher and said, "......can we just talk?"

"Look outside....See that tree?...Trees have leaves and trees also sometimes have animals...The leaves fall off the dad cut our tree out front....."

Needless to say, I think he'll make a great politician someday.


To preface this story......Kerpatrick and I do not allow the kids to eat anywhere in the house except the kitchen and thedining area. We also stress the importance of using a plate to eat over, etc. We tried to explain the concept of crumbs attracting bugs...blah, blah, blah....

So, tonight I was in the kitchen making dinner when Lizzy came up from the playroom with a bunch of stuff. She had "made" me some food (with her play food)....a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich to be exact.

It was really cute. She sat in the middle of the kitchen setting a place for me with the food. Of course, she was right in my path of going back and forth from the stove to the counter to the fridge to the counter and so on.

I politely thanked Lizzy for the "meal" and asked her if she could return her "food" to the playroom. She replied, "Why?" as I was looking at the toys in the middle of the floor thinking that I was bound for an accident. I, replied to her, "Why do you think mommy wants you to move it?"

She stood there for a while, looked inquisitively at me, and said, ".....because of bugs?"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We were watching a movie the other day where the characters used the term, "FYI." Maddy looked at me and asked what it meant. I explained it to her and now she has used the term non-stop. She uses it correctly and has incorporated the term into her everyday language.

For example, last night I went to tuck her in to bed and she whispered to me, "FYI, mommy....your breath smells like cucumbers."

All I want for Christmas

Every day Lizzy asks me for a new booster seat for the car. She wants a "big" girl car seat. I keep putting it off because her car seat is just fine, super cute, and can function as a booster as well. She, of course, wants one with the back off like her big sister.

This morning she asked me for one again. I just did my usual, " day...."

She sat there for a minute and then said, "I got it!!! I will ask Santa for a new booster seat for Christmas! That way, you won't have to spend any of your money!"

Errand Girl

Our house is set up such that the computer is upstairs in the kitchen and the printer is downstairs in Kerpatrick's office. Everything is on a wireless system, so, we can still print from the kitchen; however, you have to keep walking downstairs to get your printouts.

Lizzy, however, loves to run down and get mama's printouts for her. The other day I must have sent her downstairs three times within a 30 minute period.

When she came back up the last time, I said, "Lizzy, what would mama do without you?"

She looked at me and said, " would use Sawyer?!?!?!?!?"


I have been begging Sawyer to get his hair cut for the last month. He has been fighting me tooth and nail. It doesn't look horrible, but it is long. Because it looks "okay," I haven't dragged him there kicking and screaming.

I made the mistake the other day of letting him know how lovely his thick hair was. I actually said, "Sawyer, your hair is so nice. It's so thick and curly."

His response? "See! That's why you should not cut it!!!"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Doctor in the Making

Sawyer just came up the stairs from the playroom crying. When I knelt down to hug him and ask him what was wrong he said, "I hit mmmmyself with the, the, the otoscope. Wahhhhh."

I was so shocked that he said "otoscope" that I had to check it out. I went downstairs to see what he was talking about. He was in fact using the correct terminology. I didn't even know he knew what an otoscope was, but he was totally right!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Maddy: Next year for Halloween, I want a light saber.

Lizzy: What's a light saber?

Sawyer: Lizzy, it's a mint!